August 14, 2016
This post actually begins one day after the family reunion ‘event.’ On August 15th, the morning after, Martin woke from bed, checked out what everyone was doing in the morning, and found that John was missing. ‘Where’s John?’ Martin asks. Merete replies that John has gone to the bakery for bread. ‘We will have fresh bread for this morning.’
There was confusion for a short time, because, did we not have a HUGE family meal just yesterday, and did we not finish that day with plenty of leftovers which would not be consumable by a fair sized army???
Yes, that was 100% accurate. But we would have fresh bread for this morning and it would be one of those deliciously famous breads produced each and every (early) morning so that … well … the Danish family would then have fresh bread for the morning!
Danish fresh and crisp warmth continued further into our visit with each day. We are greeted with it constantly and enjoy the embrace of new friends and family.
Our gathering occurred at the summer house of our family hosts, John and Merete. They own a lovely home overlooking the Roskilde Fjord. The house is regularly shared with family and friends.
We immediately felt at home and with family. Patty has mentioned several times since our visit that she feels comfortable and welcomed by the new extended family.
Here are photos of this get-together! The complete set can be viewed at this link: Kulhus Family Reunion. Additional photos of the lovely Kulhus area are at this link: Kulhus Area.