Ribe is an old town being rich with history. It is the oldest town in Denmark. Our AirBnB hosts provided lots of help to pick out memorable sites and experiences. Slightly outside of town is a reconstruction of a Viking village which originally was discovered inside the oldest part of Ribe. The Viking town is recreated using the best information available. Once again, the Danes have created a rich experience in this recreation for adults and children.
Here are photos of the entire stay which includes the Viking village and other things that we explored.
First, the city:
[SME_gallery ids=’7ZcpXxc,FcGcVKd,37QJGCw,bzkwkVt,zDz6bGJ,9fwG8GQ,7tzc57C,Pwfbr38,Kcb2wpk,Pw5hCLH,vnJBCWq,6hFr37S,NmpDjXn,mg54DNB,kDZJw27,3ngR7pT,rZ2kgKc,vnqtRMH,H3fnbzD,fqLnjgz,52kgWLm’ size=’MediumURL’ columns=’3′ caption=” link=’Large’ new=’Yes’]
And the Viking town reconstruction:
[SME_gallery ids=’8g4fGsJ,4hMXhFf,5HM2qmP,HTPPV8n,qHjK9Zq,WKSvQHQ,5WSF8QS,RffLfMz,tqdVP9r,NMnBSJw,vLgntNK,Mr8mqKR,dzvmMhk,GgnG5JL,tCckC2h,9xbdCkw,GbsrJxm,r3kXbhL,wBRLn5T,VJ2X6cW,Rgf9rwZ,mrhqpLZ,h93Zj2T,wcFK7mR,rF7F6mt,RsSSnqB,9BFpS6H,fF9BNT9,JHwqDkV,xvF8rZj,nBDSPzH’ size=’MediumURL’ columns=’3′ caption=” link=’Large’ new=’Yes’]

I should have said Danes.
Sooo interesting. I like the clean spareness of the aesthetics . No clutter for the Dutch.