September 8, 2016
We are total weather-wimps!
During the last 38 days, we have been cultivating the most positive appreciation for the water that comes free out of the sky and makes all at our feet brilliantly green. We have learned never, ever to leave the house without the complete complement of rain gear. “EXPECT rain!” has been our moto for each day’s adventures. Whine about a little water? No, not us. We were doing SO well.
We have been wonderful — until yesterday. We arrived at lovely Floro in a rainstorm. The nice girl at the tourist information office put on a cheerful face, saying with a slight quaver in her voice, “I HOPE you enjoy Floro.” Our enthusiasm wavered a bit.
Nevertheless, we optimistically packed a picnic in lovely Floro. As we ate it — in the car – rain lashed the windows and wind rocked the car. To boost our spirits, we held an in-car competition for who could describe the weather with the most superlatives, the most outrageous analogies, with expletives. Hysterical laughter overtook us. We lost it. We were to travel NORTH the next day. Were we going to be able to see the Brikdalbre glacier once we got there? Was the most beautiful fjord in the world going to be shrouded in cloud the whole time we there?
Doubt filled our souls. Checking the long-range weather forecast, images of raindrops and clouds filled the screen for days on end. For sport, we started looking at the weather in various other places in the world that had more sunshine – almost everywhere. Two and a half more weeks going north in Norway? No way.
Time for a U-turn. Who cares if we are spoiled, sun-indulged Southern Californians. Change of plans! We’re heading SOUTH. Next stop, Oslo.
The best thing about today was our flight to Oslo. Ironically, the skies cleared luminously on the day of departure. From the air, we saw fingers of water pushing into huge mountains. Immense mountain ridges with patches of snow, and even a glacier. Rivers and lakes gleaming everywhere. Amazing views through sun-drenched windows. Best flight I’ve ever been on.